Join! Donate! Volunteer!
Sunrise over Tenakee Inlet. Photo by Gordon Chew, reproduced with permission.
The Tenakee Historical Collection is an active small non-profit with a unique mission in a special place. We are always delighted with new members, renewals, donations and volunteers!
Annual membership and donation levels:
Student $5
Individual $15
Family $25
Benefactor $50 or over
For memberships and/or donations to the Tenakee Historical Collection please either visit us directily at the museum, or mail your name and address with enclosed check to:
Tenakee Historical Collection
Box 633
Tenakee Springs, AK 99841
Membership dues cover the period of January thru December.
Donations are essential to the continued success of the THC. Funds are used for general expenses as well as to catalog and expand our collections. Donations also enable us to directly fund special projects such as, in the past, the Bathhouse Renovation project. Donations not designated for a specific project will be placed in a general THC account. THC was incorporated in 2004 as a 501(c)(3). Donations are tax-deductible.
Volunteer Opportunities
Email to volunteer for any of the following opportunities:
- Aid in cataloging the museum collection
- Clerical work, e.g. light word processing, scanning documents
- Train to serve as a docent (welcomes and guides visitors through the museum)
If you have questions about the Historical Collection or would like to volunteer, please contact us at the above mailing address or by
Vicki Wisenbaugh at 907 736-2243
Sunset over Tenakee Inlet. Photo by Cynthia Meyer, reproduced with permission.